Year 3/4 visit to Jorvik Viking Centre, York
During Autumn Term 2, we visited Jorvik Viking Centre and The Dig in York as part as our Viking REC topic. Firstly, we grabbed a trowel and became archaeologists digging for artefacts that tell us exactly how people lived in these times. We then headed to Jorvik Viking Centre, where we had the opportunity to go onto a ride which took us back in time and fully immersed us in the Viking Age. We had a fantastic day out and learnt lots!

Year 1 Visit to The Street Life Museum, Hull
Year 1 Trip 26/11/23
At the start of Autumn Term Two, Columbus class and Johnson class went to the transport museum in Hull. This links into the topic they will be learning ‘A Journey Through Transport’. Throughout the day the children took part in a variety of activities.
First of all they met a lady called Dottie who was late for work but she had lost her vehicle. The children had to follow the clues and determine which one was Dottie’s – thankfully the children helped Dottie to find her bus!
The children identified the different materials that were used to make different vehicles. The children compared different vehicles from the olden days and how they are made now. They identified good and bad features and sketched the vehicles to compare.
We looked at artifacts from different time eras and tried to guess what they were. The children had a fantastic day and this has set them up to learn more about ‘A Journey Through Transport’.

Year 1 Visit to St Nicholas Church Great Coates
Year 1 walked to the church on Wednesday 27th November. They were looking at key artefacts such as the Bible, Cross and Altar but also saw the font and got to wear some of the holy robes. .

EYFS Owl Visitor
This term, we have been learning all about owls to link in with our focus story ‘Owl Babies.’ We have really enjoyed making lots of fun owl crafts as well as learning all about the different types of owls. We had an amazing visit from Steve who introduced us to six beautiful, feathered friends! We got to learn so much about them as well as watch Caspar swoop and Jack dance. Stroking, cuddling and holding an owl was a magical experience!

Year 5 Roman Workshop
Past Presents visited school on Monday 15th October to deliver a Roman workshop to Year 5. This provided the children with further insights into Roman life as part of their REC topic. Throughout the day, the children learned about the Roman army, Roman food, Roman baths and hygiene and Roman games. As well as this, the children looked at various Roman artefacts, dressed up as Romans and took part in their own battle!

Year 6 Tudor Workshop
On Wednesday 25th September, Year 6 had Past Presents into school to complete a Tudor Workshop to give them more of an insight into Tudor life as part of their REC topic. On the day, the children learnt about lots of different aspects of Tudor life including: Henry VIII and his wives, the Tudor Succession, Crime and Punishment, Crew on the Mary Rose, Battle Formation and Jousting.

Year 2 Owl Visitor 07.10.2024
We had the exciting experience of meeting Steve from the Yorkshire Owl Experience and his
lovely, feathered friends! We each got to hold an owl, watch them fly and feel their soft feathers.
Steve taught us lots of fascinating facts about owls, and the information he gave us is going to be
really useful for us in January, when we begin to look at the text “The Owl Who Was Afraid of The
One of our children said it was the best birthday ever!

After SATs, the Year 6s made their way to PGL! They had such an amazing time – splashing around and zipping around as well as staying up REALLY late!
London 2024
On 5th June 2024, the Year 5s travelled down to London for 48 hours of fun! We visited the Tower of London, Covent Garden, The Natural History Museum, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and also watched Matilda! Check out our videos to see how much fun we had!
EYFS visit to Wold’s Wildlife Park
To link in with our focus story of ‘Handa’s Surprise,’ EYFS went on an exciting trip to Wold’s Wildlife Park in June. We got to see lots of different wild animals up close and personal, in their natural habitats. Although, it was a very hot day and the lions were very sleepy! In the afternoon we enjoyed seeing the zebras, ostriches and monkeys. We even got a little play in the play area, before heading back to school. It was a hot but great day!

EYFS visit to Rand Farm
As part of our farm topic, EYFS went on a trip to Rand Farm on Thursday 7th March 2024. We had a great day learning all about the different animals and even got to watch Mavis the cow being milked. We really enjoyed stroking the smaller animals and feeding the goats, sheep and the adorable baby lambs a bottle of milk. They were all very hungry! In the afternoon we went on a little tractor ride and had the chance to hold a baby chick. It was such a fun day!

Y5 Roman Workshop
On Tuesday 3rd October, Year 5 had The Past Presents in school to teach them all about the Ancient Romans as a part of their topic. In the morning, the children split into two classes to learn about the different soldiers in the Legion and also different parts of a soldier’s life (e.g. leisure, health, food, armour). The children got to dress up and loved feeling as though they were Ancient Romans for the day! After breaktime, the children learnt all about Boudicca and the battle between the Celts and the Romans. The children got to train as though they were soldiers in the Celtic and Roman army and even had a battle! After lunchtime, the children got to experience what life was like for Roman civilians at the Colosseum. Archie and Cece were chosen as our Emperor and Empress who decided the fates of the criminals who were brought into the arena. Some children were chosen to be gladiators who fought each other and ferocious beasts. We had a great day learning all about the Romans and feel like we know a lot more about why they were such a successful civilization.

EYFS visit to the farm!
As part of our farm topic, EYFS went on a trip to Rand Farm. We had a great day learning all about the different animals and even got to watch Mavis the cow being milked. We really enjoyed feeding the goats, sheep and the adorable baby lambs a bottle of milk. They were all very hungry! In the afternoon we went on a little tractor ride and had the chance to enjoy both the indoor and outdoor play areas. It was such a fun day!

Year 5 Trip to London – June 2023
We had an EPIC adventure as we embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime residential trip to the heart of the glorious city of London!
We kicked off this incredible trip with a visit to the historic Palace of Westminster! We felt the history come to life as we walked in the footsteps of influential figures and explored the iconic halls where important decisions have been made. MP for Great Grimsby Lia Nici was there to greet us and showed us where the shield of Great Grimsby is in one of the stained-glass windows. We even had the chance to sit in the Public Gallery in the House of Commons where some MPs were debating the cost-of-living crisis. The Speaker’s gold coach was on display in Westminster Hall following the Coronation of King Charles III – where Henry VIII used to play tennis!
Did someone say THEATRE? You bet! Another highlight of our trip was an unforgettable visit to the Cambridge Theatre to catch the utterly spellbinding Matilda the Musical! We braced ourselves for a magical journey filled with extraordinary performances, toe-tapping tunes, and the indomitable spirit of the incredible Matilda!
But wait, there’s more! After a good night’s sleep in the hotel, and lots of scrumptious food at breakfast, we were off again with our brilliant coach driver to visit the Natural History Museum. We climbed through volcanoes, experienced an earthquake and even got to meet all the dinosaurs in the Jurassic department. I think we left some souvenirs in the shop for other customers!
Finally, our journey took us to the awe-inspiring Westminster Abbey. We were blown away by the breath-taking architecture and learnt about the fascinating tales that lie within these hallowed walls. We paid our respects to the sixteen monarchs who are buried reverently there and spotted as many authors as we could in Poet’s Corner.
So our Year 5 heroes explored, learnt, and had the time of their lives on this incredible journey to London!
#Year5ResidentialTrip #LondonAdventures #LearningOutsideTheClassroom #LOTC

KS1 – Trip to the beach June 2023
In the Reading Enhanced Curriculum (REC) the children have been learning all about the human and physical features of their local beach and also about the RNLI and what they do. For our summer trip we went to Cleethorpes beach for the day. The children took part in lots of activities including identifying the human and physical features, identified what sorts of activities you can take part in at the beach. We took a walk down to the local lifeboat station where we had a look at the boat and tractor. We also spoke to the local coastguard who gave us some safety advice. We enjoyed our pack lunches on the sand and then played lots of different games on the beach. When we got back to school we were very warm and enjoyed cooling off with an ice-lolly!

Year 2 Trips 2022-2023
What a packed schedule Year Two have had this year!
We started the year off by visiting The Streetlife Museum in Hull which was full of different modes of transport from history. We all had a great time and learnt so much about transport and how people used to live.
In the Spring Term, we had Dinostar come into school and deliver a great workshop. He taught us lots of facts about the dinosaurs and gave us the opportunity to closely look at some dinosaur artefacts.
We also went to the Key Stage One Singing Festival at the Grimsby Auditorium. We had a blast learning the songs and singing alongside several other schools for their parents.
We have finished the year off with a visit to Cleethorpes beach. We explored the many human and physical features situated there, explored the Lifeboat station and played on the beach.

KS1’s Viking Raid to Lincoln
KS1 attended The Collection in Lincoln this month to learn all about Vikings.
The children participated in a museum investigation, object handling, becoming archaeologists in a big dig and learning about the life of a Viking. The day was a great success and the children have come away with reams of knowledge through experiences.
KS1 attended The Collection in Lincoln this month to learn all about Vikings. The children participated in a museum investigation, object handling, becoming archaeologists in a big dig and learning about the life of a Viking. The day was a great success and the children have come away with reams of knowledge through experiences.

LKS2 visit the Freshney!
LKS2 enjoyed our hook walk to see the scenery and wildlife locally near Wybers Wood. The children spotted lots of things to write about in our setting descriptions and enjoyed looking at human and physical features, which links to our geography work.

Year 6 Travel to Tudor Times!
On Friday 8th October, Y6 travelled to Gainsborough Old Hall (which was about a 30-45 minute drive) in order to learn more about the Tudors and Stuarts. This is linked to their History topic at the minute.

With my group, (Mr Brown 6S ) the first thing we did was dress up with the clothing they used to wear back then (I was Lady-In-Waiting ) while others dressed in more extravagant clothing (such as Henry VIII and the lady of the manor). We learnt that the colour of the clothing that they wore depended on their class. After this, we went around the Hall exploring the rooms and finding out information in order to complete the question sheets.

We then had our lunch on the grass in the sun with our friends before heading to our final activity – the Discovery Workshop. We went on a tour to the kitchen to ‘prepare a Tudor feast’ for King Henry VIII. It was really fun and they had a turn spit that we got to turn. We learnt that spices and herbs were very expensive back then, so if King Henry VIII was to go to the Hall for a feast, the Lord would have gotten all of the spice ready and gotten his servants to make him a special pie. After the kitchen tour, we went to the Great Hall. We pretended to have a feast and were all given roles like jester, servant, guard etc. We got to learn some facts such as they higher ranks got to wash their hands first and that the higher ranks got nicer cutlery and bowls. After all of this, everyone met up and went back to school at 2:30pm. We had a great time on the trip.

Wybers Wood Go Wild
Year 3 and 4 went on an amazing venture to Yorkshire Wildlife Park! Check out all the animals we got to see! We even had a lesson all about animal teeth!